Thursday, September 2, 2010

Enjoyable project during a long baby arrival wait.

Seeing people happy after they received one of my artworks, makes me so happy. And so yesterday was one of those days. I had been working on three canvasses for a beautiful little girl called Jasmin. Jasmin loves her pinks and purples and her favourite character is princes Jasmin from Alladin. Here a few progress pictures of Jasmin: 

And the end result:

For those that have no clue who or what Jellybean is. Jellybean is the name that we gave our onborn bub. As we found out that we are having a baby it was the shape and the size of a Jellybean. We are still waiting for Jellybeans arrival. I am now four days overdue. I have gathered that first borns are an average of ten days over, so I have decided to put my relaxing shoes on and just chill out. I have had some distractions over the past few week, which have been very enjoyable.

My good friend Becky form England and here friend Paul stopped in on their roadtrip with their rented campervan. We spend the morning in Mooloolaba and ended up having Fish and Chips at the Spit. Which was so lovely. Lots of chatting and catching up. It is amazing how easily you just continue where you left of, from the last time you have seen each other. Even after not having seen each other for years. That is true frienship.

She even made some lovely pictures of us. That is when I realized that we have not made any photo's of me and bump during my whole pregnancy. So here is one ladies and gentleman:

This is on the due date, not a bad looking bump, ha?

I am going to get back to my relaxing now. Since it is nearly 1pm, I think it's actually time for a beauty sleep.

Till next time amigos.


Tuesday, August 24, 2010

First time Blog

Ooooh how exciting, my first post. I have been wanting to start a Blog for ages now and just never got myself round to it. Since I now have a button that links to my Blog on my website, I thought I better make work of it.

By the way my website is Make sure you pass it on to all your friends.

So what will I be using this Blog for? Well..... It will be mostly to do with art projects that I will be working on and posting works in progress. I might share some personal thoughts as well, which might interest probably a few of you wonderful readers.

The last few weeks I have been very busy. As most of you might know, I am pregnant. And not just a little, I am about three days away from the due date. So before busy season starts for me, I have been keeping myself busy with starting my website and making art works to post on my website. It has been so much fun and it cheered the nursery up too.

Yesterday I made a very special project for our lovely neighbours. Nursery art with foot and hand prints and her theme butterflies and dragonsflies, sooo cute.

So a daddy is going to be very happy on Father's Day next weekend. Well, you can also surprise your dad or husband with some wonderful personalized art. Visit my website and we'll make his day too.

It has been fun writing today, unfortunatly I have a few things to do still today. As baby might decide to come any minute and I might not get to do them otherwise. So, Cheerio for now.....